Probate: 469.708.6050

Wills & Guardianship: 214.227.6400

13355 Noel Rd., Ste. 1100

Dallas, Texas 75240

Notify the Beneficiaries of the Estate of your Appointment

Within 60 days after his or her qualification, the executor must notify the beneficiaries receiving property pursuant to the terms of the Will of the executor's appointment. We recommend sending the beneficiaries a copy of the Will and a copy of the order admitting the Will to probate. The Duran Firm will also prepare an acknowledgment for the beneficiaries to sign so that we can show the court that the beneficiaries have been notified.

What if I have an uncooperative beneficiary?

The Texas Estates Code also permits an Executor or an Administrator to send notice to a beneficiary via certified mail, return receipt requested. The Executor / Administrator should send: 1) a Notice; 2) a copy of the Will; and 3) and copy of the Order admitting the Will to probate. The Executor should then send a copy of the letter and the Return Receipt (the green notecard) to the Duran Firm for filing with the Court. To assist our clients, we have prepared the following Word Template:

Example Notice to Beneficiary
(Please call the Firm for the password)

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